A sustainable, self-supporting, environmentally conscious & INCLUSIVE facility for EVERYONE

Since the beginning of the century, Avonvale have been the custodians of the old wooden scout hut on a long leasehold from BANES council.
Over the years this valuable storage facility has sadly aged and deteriorated from a useful asset to a rather leaky eye-sore that now demands investment in order to keep it standing.
Coupled with our substantial uptick in mini and junior membership and the emergence of the ladies game nationally we are hoping to combine a rebuilding of the scout hut with additional facilities at the club.
Our vision is to offer additional and enhanced facilities to accommodate the increasing amount of new children visiting the club as well as a modern and contemporary community space which we would like to see made available and utilised by a myriad of village groups and organisations to enable them to gather for sports and recreation in this most idyllic of settings within our village.
We're keen to build a facility that ticks all the right boxes and fits with the needs of our community. You may be a local club or group looking for a place to meet? You may be thinking of starting a women's rugby team and looking for a home club? You may be a yoga or pilates instructor looking for a studio to host your classes? Whatever your plans or your needs, we'd love to hear from you if you feel we can provide the space or facilities for you to get started or keep going. We want to grab this opportunity with both hands and build a community asset for the future but we need your help to get it right.

We’ve already begun with our community engagement phase, reaching out to all neighbours and villagers to obtain your valuable input and feedback to these plans. You should have received a leaflet or else read about us in a local publication or heard Graham's excellent presentation at the Parish meeting.
We want to know what you would like to see included, what you think we could do better and equally as importantly , what you would not want to see included.
For our part, we are committed to acting in the best interests of all Bathford villagers young and old. We want to create a usable and beautiful building that we and future generations can use and be proud of.
We don’t want to build a venue which will put us at odds with our neighbours and so we are counting on your engagement and support.
What's Next ?
We’ll shortly begin working on fundraising and planning and driving the project forward but we really want to do this in line with your wishes.
As a first step we’d like to invite you to leave us any and all feedback via this website.
If you’re keen to be involved then do please let us know and we can make sure you are added to mailing lists for future events.
In due course we hope to be a stage where we can invite you all to the club to view plans and discuss the project in more detail.
Our aim to get the maximum amount of public involvement from the village so that we can be absolutely sure that what we’re doing is right for everyone in the village, young and old and will hopefully bring some added value to every person through whatever sport, recreation or hobby they enjoy.
Thanks for reading and do please get in touch!